
Welcome to the website of Susan M. Coles, Artist & Arts, Creativity & Educational Consultant.

Posted in Events

How do you square it with the people in this country when you consistently state that you won’t be having an election until 2020 Theresa May?

How can we ever trust those that are supposed to lead? Those who thrown a curve ball at us purely for their own reasons and to protect themselves, rather than doing anything which will genuinely unite this fractured country.

The dis-United Kingdom. I am quite ashamed to be a citizen of the UK. We have a government without a heart, hiding behind rhetoric (is a word ever uttered which hasn’t been scripted?), and when some politicians do speak without a script, then they completely lose the plot and fall apart…..for example our Secretary of State for Education, Justine Greening, last week… talking about a policy that wasn’t even in the Manifesto and which she has no ownership of (just one of Theresa’s pet ideas).

So we have an election to fund, finance, find time for, a parliament which will close down at a key time, an uneven opposition party who can’t even agree on where they stand with each other, never mind on policy, the shadow of the Scottish Nationalist party just waiting for their chance to devolve, unresolved issues in N.Ireland, and also in Wales, Lib Dems and UKIP battling it out for the minor prizes in the race.The Green Party ever present, but not seen as a viable force.

We will have our news media, our radio and television and our lives dominated once again with the contrasting, conflicting, ideology of different parties and people and purpose. We will have people shuffled out of roles of responsibility and shuffled back into new ones, or just shuffled out of sight. We will have people who are not experts running crucial departments which require depth of knowledge and expertise….education….health, for example.

We will have winners and losers because that’s what we like in this country. Only with BREXIT 2016 the losers couldn’t accept it and the winners ran away from the responsibility of what they’d achieved. In this country Coalitions only ever happen out of necessity and not because people in politics can ever really be bothered to look for and then explore and then exploit and creatively expand common ground.

I really do need to see some passion out there, someone speaking from the heart, someone I/we can trust. Let’s end with a quote from Tony Benn, and hope for the future, hope that more people will go out and vote, hope that more people in politics will talk to us and not at us….hope.
“A faith is something you die for; a doctrine is something you kill for; there is all the difference in the world” – 1989 Tony Benn.



2705 days ago

There is only one solution to this chaotic mess – Prime Minister Coles.
Terrific blog, my friend. I hadn’t seen the BBC Breakfast fiasco but the fact we didn’t hear an answer to a single question highlights exactly where we are. Who is being lined up next for this role I wonder?

Susan M Coles

2705 days ago

I fear I am not heartless enough for such a role! The next SOS for Education will probably be someone creative and caring like…..Jeremy Hunt. :-(

Mark A

2705 days ago

You say what others think. The media are totally behind the Tories too- Murdoch and his crowd. Is defeat inevitable or can we have a revolution?

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